Sunday, September 21, 2008

cattle sale

Well, its over. My dad works really hard, leads up to a couple of sales here and there, and this one big one every year. Well I think this is his 4th one?? He isn't alone in his sale, he simply is not that large of an operation. My dad is not perfect. But he has always, always, worked hard. It would be nice to see that pay off. This year's sale went well. The money was not as good as if the same cows had been with the bigger ranch/farm's sales. But it was fun. We had shirts made for the event. It was my girl's idea. I can't remember which one had it first, Ashley?? We had lots of ideas thrown around and ended up with, Lynn Angus Farms's, "Where good Breeding shows". The kids behaved well. It brought back lots of memories for me and Henry. I didn't get to talk much with Joe. But growing up we spent our fair share of time in cattle sale barns. In Sparta that used to be on the Cookeville highway, I think. Ask Henry to tell you about how he broke his thumb and fell in the cow pookie. It was traumatic no matter what Matt Clark has to say about it! I didn't get to play much with the cows. I mostly did the auction, writing down the bids and who bought what. Just try to decipher what the auctioneer is saying and you can understand the fun I had.

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