I keep this up because of several reasons. 1)It is like a journal of my life and my family's life. 2)It helps me work through my grief of missing my sister. 3) It keeps me in touch with extended family both my side and doug's. 4) From some emails I get, it is actually helping others with grief issues.
Some times I feel I leave my children out of too many post, or maybe that I don't focus on JUST my children makes me feel guilty. One thing I am very proud of, I have 3 grown daughters, the 4th will be 18 in November. They are each good people in their own way. But the thing I am talking about, THEY LOVE FAMILY. Sure we can get on each others nerves. But you let one of us, a niece, an in-law, cousin, whatever it may be, the we rally and we are THERE in whatever way we need to be. We don't HAVE to see each other every day, we usually communicate some way everyday. If I tell 2 of them something then I know the other 2 will know it before I can turn around. If someone is left out of the loop, then they are upset. Brittany (my niece) is almost as bad about being in the loop. She's learning what support really is.
I say all this because sometimes my post are just about me, sometimes just about one kid, sometimes about nieces and nephews. For me, its all family.
Amen to that.. Mess with one of us mess with all of us. We are a family and while I could strangle some of my siblings on a daily basis, Let someone do them wrong or hurt them and I will be there to do whatever needs to be done.
It never leaves my name.. The last comment was from me
I agree with Ashley. My sisters are my best friends and there isn't much I don't tell them, my brothers, or my parents. They know me better than anyone else and they are always the first people I tell any news to.I am lucky to have such an amazing family that's so supportive of one another.-Amber
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