Sunday, August 31, 2008

more bd pictues

Blake got to make "2" points!. It was a large gathering, but everyone made it out alive. A good day all in all.

Ashley's birthday week, aka, she's 25 so I am freaking old!

Ashley's birthday was the 28th. Steph had a volleyball game so she and I couldn't help celebrate, and Doug was out of town working. So her sister and some friend and her all went out to eat on that night. Friday we headed to Huntville. We stayed free (thanks to Doug's points) at a hotel only 3 weeks old. Saturday morning we drove to Scotsboro to the unclaimed baggage store. It was less than we had expected. It's a place you have to "luck" into finding the good stuff. ON the way home we stopped at old time pottery and shopped some. We went to the local mall there but didn't buy anything. It was fun just getting out of town.

Today we had a party for her after church. Pretty much the whole family was here except for Rachel. (we miss you! ;( by the way). Her car is getting detailed on Tuesday for her main present. More shopping tomorrow for the rest.

Large family parties are fun, but never perfect.

Babies cry, adults squabble, kids run in the house, make to much noise, and students don't always pick up after themselves not matter what age. But hey, that's why families are fun.

Monday, August 25, 2008

first day of school, again

Today was the first day of classes. For those with Alzheimer's, like me, I did go last fall for the semester. I took 2 classes and did well for an old lady, an A and a B. I was excited about getting finished with school and becoming a nurse practitioner. My friend I had worked with in Xilitla, Dr Don, had very much encouraged me to go back to school.
When Evette passed away, my brain shut down. There was no way I could do school then. Amber and I both withdrew from spring semester. Since then I found an online college that seemed doable. I signed up with them. When I got the first book and opened it my brain screamed "oh no". I just couldn't do it. I really wasn't sure I ever could go back, again.
Then came this year's mission trip. It cleared my head, and reaffirmed my heart, this is what I am meant to do.
When I serve others, I serve God, and I forget self. Only then can I forget my own heartache at the loss of my sister.
When we returned from the trip I began looking to see if I could get my scholarship back and get back on the school track. So with many hours spent in lines, it has all worked out.
Last night, for some reason, was the first really bad night I have had in a while. It was really a "big wave" of sadness. I ask Annette today if she could remember anything significant happening on these dates, but we both drew a blank. She thought it might have been when she and Ellen were baptized, but that was in June we learned. So I'm not sure why, but I know there will still be many more of them to come.
My day went well today. I do know that no matter what, even looking like the old lady nerd, I am getting a rolling back pack. I thought I was going to need CPR when I got to the last class, on the 3rd floor, with the 200lb back pack on my back. Forget looking like I fit in, I gotta be able to breathe when I get to class!!

Friday, August 22, 2008

babies and bubbles

The Allison kids were here this week for an afternoon. After going to the pool then they wanted to come home and take a bath, go figure. I think it was the lure of the bubbles Ashley offered them. They are so cute. Be assured they were monitored at all times, even when cameras were out. After bath time brette tried on a few of the girls prom dresses. So of course then Sydney wanted to also. WE didn't let Blake do it at this time, Jason frowns on it for some reason.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

back to school

I finished registration at TSU today. After many hours waiting for "permission" to take one class, then waiting 2 1/2 hrs in line at financial aid, it was finished. Of course then I came home and had to change one class. Instead of going on tuesday/thurs, now I will be there mon/wed/fri. Not what I wanted, but, gotta do what you gotta do.
Why am I punishing myself at my age by doing this. I have no idea. I do know that I want to serve God. I do know that when I am in Mexico, serving, is when I feel I am doing that at my best. Now, tell it all to my brain, tell it to kick into gear, dust off cobwebs that are in there from old days of school.
If I even THINK you are good at statistics, I may call you!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I almost for got, celia and kids were here too! All in all a great birthday party. Girls dressed up as usual and put on a show for us. this time the were my 4 girls. Brette did Amanda pretty good. Sydney was steph, Caroline was ashley, Olivia was amber. oh and in case you wonder if it your screen, Amanda's hair is really pink!

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amanda turns 20

Amanda had 2 parties, one on the day before her birthday, just a few of us here. WE had to fly to iowa for the funeral on her acutal birthday. Because birthdays are big in this family, we had her 2nd party today. Joe's boys were with Jan. Renee came, Jason and kids, Annette and kids, Grandpa, and Brittany brought her almost kid, Tanner. Blake like playing with tanner, one pic he is playing with his "piggies". another he would only let us change his diaper when we said to do it the same time as Tanner did.

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Friday, August 15, 2008

I was looking for some really cool pictures of my kids to post, and just couldn't find one I wanted. I found this one I took in Mexico. It just reminded me that hey, caterpillars are everywhere. You know like, no matter where you are, life isn't that far from what you know. Crazy, yes I am.

I am better today. Recovered from all the stuff thrown my way last week. Thinking about where I need to go from here.

A couple of thoughts. One from someone on our mission trip, " what if I am holding up the return of Christ because I need to save that one last soul". What have I done about that lately? Well, I prayed with almost every patient I saw in Mexico. Fast is not what I aim for. I wanted to show them that maybe I didn't have the medicine to change their life, but God does.

Second thought: am I longing for heaven because of Evette or because of my longing for God? Tougher one for me.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

return from hospital

I have been at the hospital since Thursday with Amber. She was admitted for dehydration from a prolonged gi episode. She doesn't want me to go into detail. She had a test today that made he very uncomfortable and unhappy. If i wasn't already a nurse, I never would even try it.

Doug's cousin died Friday morning, the oldest daughter of his aunt and uncle that passed away earlier this year. It was totally unexpected.

A friend of matthew's, gary, dad passed away on Wednesday. Suddenly. He is the only son with 5 older sisters.

I know God never gives us more than we can handle. But this is really challenging for me. My body is tired from Mexico, now my spirit is totally worn out. I try to keep a positive outlook. I just need to have some breathing room. School started friday for my children. I am but one person. Without God holding me up I think i'd be a melted pool in a drain some where.

Next post will be better....

Monday, August 4, 2008


Well for those that know me this is my second blog site. The other one I didn't log into frequently enough and now I can't find it!
I just returned from Mexico from my 7th mission trip. It was really good to be able to serve others and get away from my memories here at home.
The very first day of seeing patients I had a feeling of " this is what I am meant to do". To explain, I was set up as the "gynecologist". Of course this was spelled differently for them. The patients had various complaints including female problems. Even though my background is mostly labor and delivery, you have to remember pregnant patients have other issues, gun shot wounds, heart problems, asthma, etc. So as I was treating females, I just had knowledge that I didn't realize and I knew how they needed to be treated. I of course used my trusty pharmacopia to look up all drugs I was unsure of. Dr. Don was great. He answered all questions I ask and even ask me for some advice. He boosted my confidence level so much that again, I knew this is what I am meant to be doing. School may take forever, but it is the right path for me. I even asked the "new" dr on the team, Dr John, several questions. Again, I was confirmed in my choice of treatment and felt very confident.
I hope this isn't coming across as bragging. It really is just great for me to know that I have something I can offer these humble people, and knowing that there is a way I can truly help serve God.
I will post more later but wanted to at least start with this!