Wednesday, July 21, 2010


After an awesome family vacation. A few days home to recover. And I was all set to go back to work! Wrong. Woke Sunday morning in plenty of time to make it to class and church. However, my head was busting, my throat sore, each breath sent burning sensations through my nostrils up through each sinus and seemingly out my ears. Breathing was no fun. I returned to bed.
Several hours later my husband decided maybe NyQuil might help. I think I woke long enough from that to make SURE I CALLED WORK**JUST FOR YOU BETSY***, then collapsed into a stupor once more. The next 24 hours I was up to go to the bathroom once or twice and totally out of it the rest of the time. I made it to the couch once, for a couple of minutes. My eyes wouldn't stay open and my head was killing me, so back to bed I went. No now 3 days after it began, my mind is returning to normal. Of course it is now 2am. I have to be quiet. I want to be asleep so I can be awake with the normal people. Have I mentioned I hate being sick? I loose days so quickly that way. Its beginning to become clear that ......I am down to 2 kids in regular school! 2, only 2. how did that happen? only two room fees, two sets of school supplies etc. wow.''

of course the others haven't gone away. and they are in college. one getting married. doesn't mean my life will be less hectic. just sounds funny thinking about only 2 parent/teacher meetings. 2 report cards. 2 getting there on time, etc.

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