Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ashley and Nick, part 1

Writing about all this now is extra hard. Ashley and Nick met several years ago at Stonecrest in the ER, where they both worked. Ashley in admitting, Nick as a nurse. They dated some, broke up, then a few years later got back together. He proposed while I was still in Haiti, although I knew about it. Doug even got in on buying the ring for her before Nick returned. She was very surprised and shocked.

The wedding date was originally going to be in October, but the church they chose was not available and it was moved to September 10. Her sister Amber helped to organize and choose a theme for her shower at church. Amanda, Steph, and Rachel, as well as her aunts Annette, Renee, and Amy helped with everything.
I was invited to go along for the bachelorette party. India even came to help celebrate and be in the wedding. We all had a good time!

My cousin, Casey Mackie, made some beautiful pictures for the engagement pictures. She and her friend Alyssa came to the wedding and did an awesome job on those pictures!

They bought their house, closed on it, and got married on the same day! Very hectic. Our cousin Cindy Farmer came and did hair for all of us girls. It rained, didn't get as many pictures as I wanted, but it was a great day. The reception was at our church in Pegram. They honeymooned in Cancun.

A happy couple, off to a great start!


forgot to add that the cruise began the time of Amanda being back home! She lived in California for a year. It was hard, but felt like it would be good for her.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

June 2010 cruise

In june I finally had all my family together for a cruise. Amber brought Adam. Ashley couldn't convince Nick to join us, but then he had just started a new job also. Stephanie brought Taylor. Andrew had to bring a small crew, Brady and Dustin. Amber and Adam drove down separately. Ashley flew down and met us in Tampa. The rest of us all bonded in a 12 passenger van. We took turns sleeping in the floors, seats, anywhere. The cruise was great. The kids were all great. yes even the boys. No one fell off or was thrown off the boat. Yes I'd do it all over again.
before we left we even visited with doug's cousin Julie and husband Matthew, briefly, but good to keep somewhat in touch!

long time no post

I know I haven't posted since last year. I know all the excuses I've had. But when I clicked on the little saying on the right of my blog, it all becomes clear. I've had a lot of stepping stones in my life this past year. Hopefully I can catch everyone up on this someday. Had I known this time last year, what the year would bring, would I , could I, have done anything differently?
No, I know it was as it was.

My baby girl, Stephanie graduated last may. I am very proud of her. Just didn't blog it. we went out to eat at outback afterwards. ashley, nick, leah, the baker boys, doug, matthew, adam and amber, brittany, amanda and I. Most of the rest of her family were at the graduation, including granny and pa, amber and adam, jason and the kids, annette and jason, joe and renee. I love seeing that smiling face and that dimple.