Saturday, October 25, 2008

caught up briefly

Ok so I know I posted a lot tonight. We have been busy! I have had mid-terms. Annette and Olivia had birthdays. Annette didn't get to go ice skating but she got a family reunion for hers. I worked forever on a dvd video for a friends memorial service. I think I know a little about it but the program just wouldn't cooperate. Thanks to Aaron Johnson I was able to get it done. The family reunion was very hard for me to go to. I am always glad to see my cousins. It was just a real reminder of who is missing for us. Sorry David about getting your shirt wet. Nice to have another shoulder.

last tree shot

This was made after the reunion in the same tree the older pictures were made in. The leaves haven't changed color as much yet in Sparta.
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Casey's girls. They look so much like she did when she was little.

Aunt Kibby's kids and grandkids.
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family reunion

Another group shot, this one is Uncle Dohmer's children and grandkids. I think I spelled it right.

This is Casey and her son. Can you tell they are related?

This is the two Blakes. The big Blake is Blake Lynn. Evette helped take care of him when he was in Vanderbilt Children's hospital when he was very young.
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Lynn Family reunion 2008

we wore our shirts from the cattle sale so everyone could identify us belonging to "Bobby Lynn", like they can't look at me and know I AM DEFINITLY A LYNN JUST BY LOOKING! As you see my cousins you will know what i mean!

Dad got excited answering a question!

I think this is all the cousins that were present of this generation, 1st cousins i believe.

the goofy one, in the middle ,was my teacher at one time! So were 2 other ones in that row.
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Tree shots

As you can tell, we've been taking shots up in the tree's for several years. I had to dig to find the ones of Evette and Annette from many years ago. The one of Amber and blake was just a few days ago but the leaves are already mostly gone.
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brette practiced until i got this shot.

Isn't olivia beautiful?

Sydney wouldn't let me get many of her for some reason. Here she is talking to the other Olivia.
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Brette has really learned how to skate so much better this year.

The big "girls" having fun.

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Blake loves cake!

He like Becca too!

Here's Becca doing some hard skating, keeping those girls from falling...

Here are the big kids having fun.
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Aren't they sweet. How many college age sisters would skate together like this?

Annette and Donna. Aren't they cute?

Birthday girl and her friend Emma.

I love pictures like this when I catch the "eye" some girls are giving me.
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Olivia's 9th birthday

Jason was brave and put on skates. But he didn't want anyone to touch him!

Catie and Becca get a real work out because they can really ice skate, the rest of us just watch.
This is after Catie, umm, fell, and her kind sister helped her up, while dying laughing.

Brittany and Matt helped out with the skating.
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Brette recently performed in a county wide concert. Our "other niece", Caroline Armstrong was also in the concert.
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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My hubby's work

I don't mention my Husband nearly enough. Doug was at home for the last 2 weeks, between job contracts. He mulched for me!! I was very excited. You have to understand, this man has had 3 heart attacks, triple bypass, and 3 stents. So getting 2 truckloads of mulch spread around our yard is a really big job by yourself. I pulled some weeds and pulled some plants out of the way, and I was wore out. It looks so much better. Thanks honey.